
目录 >简介

年鉴中文名: 山东统计年鉴


年鉴年份: 2020

责任说明: 陆万明 主编

主编单位: 山东省统计局;国家统计局山东调查总队

出版日期: 2020.10

页数: 621

人民币定价(元): 460.00

内容简介: 一、《山东统计年鉴》是一部全面反映山东省国民经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊,是认识和研究山东省情、制定政策、指导国民经济发展的重要资料和历史性工具书。 二、《山东统计年鉴—2020》共包括特载、统计表和附录三大部分。特载部分包括政府工作报告、统计公报和统计工作综述,综合反映全省经济社会发展概况和山东省统计工作情况。 统计表部分收录了2019年度山东省国民经济和社会发展方面的统计数据,共有二十二 ...

简约版 快照版


一、《山东统计年鉴》是一部全面反映山东省国民经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊,是认识和研究山东省情、制定政策、指导国民经济发展的重要资料和历史性工具书。 二、《山东统计年鉴—2020》共包括特载、统计表和附录三大部分。特载部分包括政府工作报告、统计公报和统计工作综述,综合反映全省经济社会发展概况和山东省统计工作情况。 统计表部分收录了2019年度山东省国民经济和社会发展方面的统计数据,共有二十二篇:第一篇,综合;第二篇,国民经济核算;第三篇,人口;第四篇,就业、工资和社会保障;第五篇,固定资产投资;第六篇,对外经济和旅游;第七篇,能源;第八篇,财政和金融;第九篇,价格指数;第十篇,居民生活;第十一篇,城市建设;第十二篇,资源和环境;第十三篇,农业;第十四篇,工业;第十五篇,建筑业;第十六篇,规模以上服务业;第十七篇,运输和邮电;第十八篇,批发和零售、住宿和餐饮业;第十九篇,教育和科技;第二十篇,文化、体育和卫生;第二十一篇,公共管理和社会服务;第二十二篇,各县(市、区)主要经济指标。 各篇章插页后附有简要说明,概括介绍各篇主要内容和资料来源;各篇章最后附有主要统计指标解释,简要介绍指标的概念、统计方法、统计口径和统计范围。 附录部分包括全国各省(市、自治区)主要经济指标、部分国际统计资料和山东省统计局工作大事记等。 三、本年鉴所列各项指标,《政府工作报告》和《统计公报》使用的数字为快报数或初步统计数;其他各部分为正式年报数据。凡与本年鉴数字不符的一律以本年鉴为准。 四、本年鉴的编辑,己根据现行国家统计制度,对统计指标概念、口径、范围、计算方法、计算价格等,作了统一调整,并分别在各部分的主要指标解释或表末加以注释;各表中价值量指标,凡未加说明的,均按当年价格计算。部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差均未作机械调整。 五、《山东统计年鉴》公开出版以来,受到了广大读者的关心与支持,对此深表谢意。本年鉴编辑中难免存在不足之处,恳请广大读者提出宝贵意见,以便改进、提高。 Ⅰ.Shandong Statistical Yearbook is an annual publication,which covers very comprehensive data and reflects various aspects of Shandong's social and economic development.It can also work as an important and historical reference book which will play a great role in comprehending and studying the basic conditions of Shandong,making policies,and guiding the development of society and economy. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains the following three parts:part one feature,part two statistics and part three appendixes.Feature mainly includes Government Work Report,Shandong Statistics Communique and Summary of Shandong Statistical Undertaking,comprehensively reflecting the development of society and economy and showing the achievements in statistics of Shandong Province. Part 2 contains the following twenty-two chapters,1.General Survey;2.National Accounts;3.Population;4.Employment,Wages and Social Security;5.Investment in Fixed Assets;6.Foreign Trade and Tourism;7.Energy;8.Government Finance and Banking;9.Price Indices;10.People's Livelihood;11.City Construction;12.Natural Resources and Environment;13.Agriculture;14.Industry;15.Construction;16.Service Enterprise Above Designated Size;17.Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services;18.Wholesale,Retail,Hotels and Catering Services;19.Education,Science and Technology;20.Culture,Sports and Health;21.Public Management and Social Services;22.Main Indicators of Counties(Cities and Districts at County Level). In brief introduction at the beginning of each chapter,main coverage of this chapter,data sources and statistical coverage are concerned.In addition,explanatory notes on main statistical indicators are provided at the end of each chapter,giving a brief explanation of statistical indicators,such as definition,statistical methods,statistical coverage and statistical scope. Appendix contains the main economic indicators of some other provinces(municipality),international statistics and Events of Shandong Provincial Bureau of Statistics. Ⅲ.Data used in Government Work Report and Shandong Statistics Communique are preliminary in other chapters is official annual data.Data in Shandong Statistical Yearbook are all verified and should be based on this standard. Ⅳ.In Shandong Statistical Yearbook,statistical definitions,statistical coverage,statistical methods and prices are adjusted according to the current state statistical standards,and all changes have been noted at the end of the table or in the explanatory notes.Data in value terms are calculated at current prices if there are no notes.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted. Ⅴ.After this yearbook was published,it has received lots of concerns and support from readers whom we should thank.Because of our ability,it is inevitable that there are shortcomings in this book,so we welcome all candid comments and criticism from our readers to perfect this book and to offer readers better service.